Thursday, May 13, 2010


Dean put the kids to bed night before last and forgot to give Dyl his meds.

So yesterday at 11;30 I got a call from the school telling me to come get him because he wasn't wanting to work and he had called the teacher a name (or three actually).

Normally it's my policy to tell the school that i will not take him home, but yesterday due to him having missed his meds i felt it was best. Never the less i once again felt the pangs of wanting for him.

It is a great hope of mine that he could somehow, someday be in a school that could actually handle this sort of thing versus calling me AND then expecting me to come pick him up and take him home. The only other answer they have for this is to keep him and put him in detention. Not very effective or creative in my book.

Ya know...I get that they are not trained to handle this sort of thing which is half my battle. I really want to look into getting a school started here like the one up in Garden City, problem is I don't have the first clue as to how to do that or if it's even something i'm qualified to do. I see the need, not only for him but I know there has to be other kids either his age or younger/older that I'm almost positive have the same needs.

He of course spent the day hanging out not doing much besides bugging me and obsessing about his books :) He expected me to drop everything and take him to the library at one point and I put my foot down and said no. Thankfully there wasn't a huge meltdown over that one.

In other news...the bedtime battles are becoming ridiculous. he has a set bedtime yet everynight tries all e can to not adhere to it.
Last night he was told 9pm in bed with all matters done for the day, and at 9:11 he snuck down the stairs to get a snack...this is one of those things that falls into the *before 9pm* category, and when i reminded im and told him to put the cereal bowl down he cried saying he was hungry (not trying to be mean here, but he always has this major excuse for doing something he flat out knows is wrong) I said too bad put it down and go to bed to which he replied with a few choice words and about how much he hated me. *sigh* I called him back and had him sit on the steps and told him point blank I wasn't going to hear that and he now gets 8:30 bedtime tomorrow.

Somedays with him are like this....well most days are like this I should say. Constant drama and chaos, with the exception of times sandwiched in where he is happy and going with the flow (this usually involves him being satisfied with something he wants and has acquired). Is it any wonder I feel so stressed out at times?

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